How to Resolve Uneven Heating in Industrial Oven?

Maharith Blog, Maharith

An oven is a fundamental piece of equipment used in every household to bake delicious food items. However, in this post, we will talk about industrial ovens. What is an industrial oven you ask? It is a large heated chamber that is used to treat materials, cure coating, and condition metals. The Industrial Oven is used in many industries like automotive, pharmaceuticals, laboratory, electricity, and metal apart from the food industry.

Being electric equipment, the oven may malfunction at some point due to excessive operation or lack of maintenance. One of the major common issues with the industrial oven can be uneven heating. If not checked on time, it can interrupt the flow and efficiency of operations. So, it is essential to understand and resolve the problem as quickly as possible. In this post, we will discuss the causes as well as solutions for uneven heating.

Causes and Solutions of Uneven Heating

Some of the major causes of uneven heating of ovens and what can be done to resolve the issue are mentioned below

Position of the Racks:

The position of the racks in the oven cavity can impact its heat distribution capacity. The products placed higher in the oven tend to heat up faster than those placed in the middle, causing uneven or slow cooking. On the other hand, if the product is too close to the side or back of the oven may also be affected by uneven heating. 

It is important to pay attention to the placement of racks. Place the rack in the middle of the oven, ensuring that there is ample space between the items and the oven wall. You can also rotate the item midway through the processing for proper and even exposure to heat. 

Inadequate Preheating:

Preheating is an essential process for efficient heating and operations. Rushing or skipping this process means that the oven has not reached its desired temperature. It can result in uneven heating of the item thus leading to inefficient operations. 

It is essential to preheat the oven for an ample amount of time before starting the operations so that the temperature inside the heating equipment is even and operations are efficient.

Calibration Issues:

After a certain point of time, the oven can lose its calibration thus leading to improper temperature readings. It can lead to the oven being hotter or cooler than the set temperature, causing inefficiency in operations. 

So, if the oven is old, then use a thermometer to check the accuracy of the heating equipment, before starting the operations. It will ensure that the temperature inside the oven is even and the process is smooth. 

Poor Insulation:

The constant heating and extreme temperature conditions can cause the insulation seals to wear and tear. It will cause the heat to escape, causing fluctuations within the oven and leading to uneven heating. 

So, it is essential to check out the worn-out seals to prevent the heat from escaping. Apart from that check that the oven doors are shut properly to maintain the consistency of the heat. 

Size and Type of Oven:

The industrial oven has different features and specifications for a variety of functions like drying, curing, coating, sterilization, and heat treating among others. So, you should choose the one that is apt for your operations. You can rely on industrial oven manufacturers to help you suggest the best heating tool for your operations. If you take some other oven, that has lesser heating capacity as compared to your operations, it can lead to uneven heating.

Final Words….

It is essential to troubleshoot the problems of uneven heating for smooth operations. Now you know that these are some of the issues that can cause that can be the reason behind it. So, it is essential to check the service of the oven from time to time and keep in mind the above-mentioned tips before starting the operations. You can also rely on the best industrial oven manufacturer Maharith Thermal Private Limited for top-notch and energy-efficient ovens that will ensure error-free and smooth operations.

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Maharith Thermal Private Limited

Maharith Thermal Pvt Ltd is known for its expertise in Industrial heater and Industrial Oven manufacturing. We fabricate high grade and energy efficient furnaces to meet research and industrial requirements.